intellectual and artistic scene that Marwan was a part of in Syria was
lively and dynamic, despite a politically instable environment, and
artists were negotiating artistic identities, whether modern, national
and more broadly Arab. He participated in a couple of group exhibitions in Damascus, such as the “Third Exhibition of Fine Art” at Damascus National Museum in 1952 and the Spring exhibition in 1955, where he won an award for the sculpture Al-ju‘ (Hunger). Among his friends were the brothers Adham and Naim Ismail, fellow artists and activists with whom he exhibited in 1957 at the Unesco Palace in Beirut.
However, while Marwan was taking actively part in the cultural life in Syria both as an artist and activist, he dreamt of studying art in Paris. In 1957, he travelled to Berlin via Genoa and Munich, planning to continue his journey to Paris. But he became attracted to the city of Berlin and enrolled at the HdK (Hochschule der Künste), where he was accepted into the class of Professor Hann Trier, a leading figure in the German Informel
movement. Gestural painting had largely come to dominate the
international art world since the end of the Second World War, but for
Marwan, it was a new encounter, having hitherto mostly been influenced
by the European schools of Impressionism and Expressionism. Trier was
highly influential during Marwan’s early years in Germany and encouraged him to find his own visual language. The few works from this period that still exist show a clear affinity to informal painting, but, like other young artists of the time, Marwan soon felt dissatisfied with this approach. The German artists, Eugen Schönebeck and Georg Baselitz, fellow students of Marwan, published their Pandemonium Manifesto in 1961 and 1962,
in which they called for a new kind of art, that should be “aggressive,
ugly and dirty”. In this artistic climate, Marwan also began to
experiment with new forms, often giving his paintings the title
“Figuration”, a title that emphasizes the experimental aspect as
something not yet finished. He finished his studies in 1962 and went on to pursue his career as an artist. To earn a living, he worked as a furrier’s assistant during the day and painted at night and on weekends. His
works of this period bear witness to the hardship, to feelings of
loneliness, of longing – both in the emotional and erotic sense – and of
worries faced with the deteriorating political situation in the Arab world. His concern with the upheavals in his home region is witnessed by paintings and drawings from the 1960s of Arab political activists and intellectuals, such as Badr Shakir al-Sayab and Munif al-Razzaz as well as a series of works depicting Palestinian fidayeen dating from the early 1970s. His paintings of the fidayeen differ from other painters’ treatment of the motif by focusing on the human aspect of the figures, highlighting their youth and vulnerability and refraining from common accessories such as the gun or the kufiya. In most cases, Marwan’s fidayeen are only recognizable as such from the title of the works and in the German titles of the works, even such a hint can be missing.
Marwan’s first exhibition in Germany took place in 1967 at Galerie Springer in Berlin and from then on, he exhibited on a regular basis at various galleries and art institutions. In 1973, he received a scholarship at Cité
des arts in Paris for one year and was finally able to immerse himself
in studies of French painting. He became a guest professor at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin from 1977 – 1979 and was appointed full professor at the same institution in 1980. In 1994 he was elected to the Akademie der Künste Berlin, an institution whose members of international artists are elected by a directing board. He died on 22 October 2016 in Berlin.
Marwan is mainly known as a figurative painter, but his work often moves along the boundaries of abstraction and figuration. After turning away from his initial path of informal painting, he experimented with figurative motifs that often represent undefinable, nightmare-like landscapes with bizarre creatures or heaps of meat set against a dark background, evoking dark, somber associations. A similar tortured mood is also discernable in the slightly later figurative works of the late 1960s and early 1970s. From around 1970, he began to explore the human face as his main motif, first in the so-called “Face-landscapes” and later in the “Heads”, the motif that became dominant from the 1980s onwards and for which he is mainly known. The
“Face-landscapes” and “Heads” are not portraits in the strict sense,
although they are often inspired by the artist himself or his friends.
The “Heads” are characterized by strong colors and a technique recalls
the painterly gesture of his early informal paintings. Alongside
oil and acrylic paintings in different formats, Marwan produced
etchings, watercolor paintings, drawings and illustrated most of the
covers of the Saudi writer Abdulrahman Munif’s books in the 1990s.
His friendship with Abdulrahman Munif is one example of his life-long friendships and correspondences with Arab intellectual and artistic figures and testifies to the strong attachment he felt to the Arab world throughout his life. Another important figure with whom he collaborated and corresponded was the Syrian poet Adonis. Marwan
lived his entire life as a professional artist in Berlin and was
actively involved in this city’s art scene, as an artist, as an educator
and through his activities at the Akademie der Künste.
Yet, despite this recognition, he remained an outsider in many ways.
Critics and art historians often struggled as to how to place him and
his work within the art scene in Germany. He was often described with
romanticized notions of the “Bedouin”, despite his clearly urban Damascene background, and a particular “Arab” sensuality was inscribed into his work. The truly transcultural aspect of Marwan’s artistic personality and work has only rarely been explored on a scholarly level.
He cherished his memories of Damascus and Syria, especially in the form
of light and color, but through his artistic training and sensibilities
he remained strongly attached to European painting, often expressing a
profound affinity to German Expressionist painting.
Remaining concerned about the Arab world, in 1999 Marwan founded the Summer Academy of the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation at Darat al-Funun in Amman with his assistant Salah Saouli to offer young artists from the region opportunities
to study art. He was thus highly influential for a generation of young
artists who went on to have careers of their own, such as e.g. Mohammad Al Hawajri, Tammam Azzam, Ayman Baalbaki, Mohammad Said Baalbaki, Rana Bishara and Tagreed Darghouth. Among the regular students who studied in Marwan’s class at the HdK in Berlin are Richard Besancon, Monica Bonvincini, Robert Lucander, Salah Saouli and Jens Wohlrab.
Marwan’s work is represented in numerous public and private collections and has been shown at exhibitions on an international scale. Listed below is a selection of the most significant.
When no particular titles of exhibitions are given, the artist’s name was given as title.
Solo shows (selection)
1967: Galerie Springer, Berlin, Germany
1970: Arab Cultural Center, Damascus, Syria
1971: Galerie Lietzow, Berlin, Germany
1976 : Gruenebaum Gallery, New York, USA.
Orangerie Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany
1980: Museum of Modern Art, Baghdad, Iraq
1981: Schloss Bellevue, Documenta Archive, Kassel, Germany
1983: Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany
1984: Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
1991: Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Kunststation St. Peter, Cologne, Germany
Marwan: peintures, gravures, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France
Atassi Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Galerie d’Art 50 x 70, Beirut, Lebanon
Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation / Darat al-Funun, Amman, Jordan
Atassi Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Retrospective, Atassi Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Retrospective, Al Hanager Hall, Cairo, Egypt
Retrospective, Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation / Darat al-Funun, Amman, Jordan
Birzeit University, Birzeit, Palestine
Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, Palestine
Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation / Darat al-Funun, Amman, Jordan
Galerie Épreuve d’artiste, Beirut, Lebanon
Stadtmuseum Jena, Jena, Germany
Kunstverein Zweibrücken, Zweibrücken, Germany
Galerie am Fischmarkt / Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
Brechthaus Weißensee, Berlin, Germany
Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, Palestine
Georg Meistermann Museum / Städtische Galerie für Moderne Kunst, Wittlich, Germany
Richard Haizmann Museum, Niebüll, Germany
Kunsthalle Emden, Emden, Germany
Lippische Gesellschaft für Kunst, Detmold, Germany
Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation / Darat al-Funun, Amman, Jordan
Marwan Beirut, New Waterfront Exhibition Center, Beirut City Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Marwan: Khaddousch oder das unbekannte Frühwerk. Aquarelle und Zeichnungen 1962–1971, Lindenau Museum, Altenburg, Germany
Damascus – Berlin – Damascus, Khan Asaad Basha, Damascus, Syria
Solidere Art Hall, Beirut, Lebanon
Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Lübeck, Germany
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur, Berlin, Germany
2008: Beaux Arts Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2008 – 2009: Marwan. Die 99 Antlitze, Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin, Germany
Bis zum Ende offen – Marwan, eine Retrospektive in elf Akten, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Germany
Abdelrahman Munif Hikayat wa ghilaf (Marwan. Abdelrahman Munif Tales and Book Covers) Tajalliyat Gallery, Damascus
2013: Marwan. Early Works 1962 – 1972, Beirut Exhibition Center, Beirut, Lebanon
2014: Marwan. Primeiras obras 1962 – 1972 (Marwan. Early Works 1962 – 1972), Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Porto, Portugal
2014 – 2015: Topographies of the Soul, Maraya Art Center, Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
Not Towards Home, But the Horizon, Mosaic Rooms, London, UK
2018: Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin, Germany (posthumous)
Group exhibitions (selection)
1952: Al-ma‘rid al-thalith li-l-funun al-jamila (Third Exhibition of Fine Art), Damascus National Museum, Damascus, Syria
1955: Ma‘rid al-rabi‘ (Spring exhibition), Damascus, Syria
1957: Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
1971: Liebespaare in der deutschen Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts, Farbwerke Höchst, Frankfurt / Kunstverein Ludwigshafen / Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, Germany
1975: Druckgraphik der Gegenwart 1960 – 1975 im Berliner Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany
1976: Freunde danken Werner Haftmann, Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany
1978: Seven German Realists, 4th Triennale India, New Delhi, India
1982: Venice Biennale, Italy
30 Jahre Karl-Hofer-Gesellschaft, Kunstquartier Ackerstraße, Berlin, Germany
Autoportraits contemporains. 80 œuvres sur papier, Musée-Galerie de la Seita, Paris, France
Berlinische Galerie. Kunst in Berlin von 1870 bis heute, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin
Bildhauer und Maler am Steinplatz, Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, Germany
Das andere Land, Orangerie im Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany
1988: Quatre peintres arabes, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Kunstszene Berlin (West) 86 – 89, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany
Berliner Kunststücke, Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig, Germany
Ambiente Berlin, Venice Biennale, Italy
1991: Berlin! The Berlinische Galerie Art Collection Visits Dublin, Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Begegnungen: Armando, Marwan, Kiessling, Nestler, Davenport, 50 Jahre Kunst- und Museumsverein Wuppertal, Kunsthalle Barmen, Wuppertal, Germany
100 Zeichnungen, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany
Zusammen. Mitglieder der Akademie der Künste und ihre Gäste, Schweriner Kunst- und Museumsverein, Schwerin, Germany
Kinder als Auftraggeber, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
2009: Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Turkey
2011: 760 914 cm2 Druck, Städtische Galerie, Wolfsburg, Germany
2013: Kunst in Berlin. 1945 bis heute, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany
2014: Here and Elsewhere, New Museum, New York, USA
2016 – 2017: Uncertain States. Artistic Strategies in States of Emergency, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
2016 – 2017: Post-War: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic, 1945 – 1965, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
2017: Venice Biennale, venice, Italy
Modern Art from the Middle East, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, USA
Awards and Honors
1955 First Award for Sculpture, Spring Exhibition, Damascus
1966 Karl Hofer Preis, Berlin
1994 Member of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2002 Fred Thieler Preis für Malerei, Berlin
2005 Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande
2005 Prix Forum Culturel Libanais
Syria, Germany, heads, neo-expressionism
Becker, Joachim: Marwan. Das verborgene Bild / The Hidden Image, Halle: Projekte-Verlag Cornelius 2013
Boullata, Kamal: Qira’at al-jasad fi lawhat Marwan, al-Akhar, no. 2, Fall 2011, pp. 108 – 182
Kassab-Bachi, Marwan: Ayyam al-ramad wa-l-ruman, Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2018 (extracts from the diaries of Marwan)
Merkert, Jörn: Marwan, ein syrischer Maler in Berlin. Werke in der Sammlung der Berlinischern Galerie, Berlin: Berlinische Galerie 2000 (catalogue of works in the collection of Berlinische Galerie with essays by
Jörn Merkert, Abdel Rahman Munif, Eberhard Roters, Michael Freitag,
Robert Kudielka, Guido Faßbender and poems by Adonis, Karin Kiwus,
Joachim Sartorius)
Marwan 1966 – 1976, Berliner Künstler der Gegenwart Heft 16, Berlin: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein 1976
Marwan. Peintures, gravures, Paris: Institut du Monde Arabe 1993 (exhibition catalogue with texts by Jörn Merkert, Adonis, Karin Kiwus, Abdelkebir Khatibi, Francois Nedellec
Marwan. An die Kinder Palästinas, Munich & Ramallah: Goethe-Institut 1998
Marwan. Neunundneunzig Gesichter, Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Druckgrafik, Erfurt: Galerie am Fischmarkt 1999
Marwan. Khaddousch oder das unbekannte Frühwerk. Aquarelle und Zeichnungen 1962 – 1971, Berlin: Berlinische Galerie 2005 (exhibition catalogue with essays by Jörn Merkert, Jutta Penndorf, Katharina Raab, Thorsten Rodiek)
Marwan. Beirut, Beirut: Solidere 2005 (exhibition catalogue with texts by Jörn Merkert, Joachim Sartorius, Robert Kudielka, foreword by Nasser Chammaa)
Marwan. 75 Aquarelle, Stuttgart: Radius-Verlag 2008 catalogue of watercolours with texts by Adonis, Karin Kiwus, Jörn Merkert, Joachim Sartorius, Joseph Tarrab)
Marwan. Abdelrahman Munif Tales and Covers, Damascus: Tajalliyat Art Gallery 2009
Marwan Early Works 1962 – 1972, Beirut: Solidere 2013 (exhibition catalogue with essays by Catherine David, Jörn Merkert)
Marwan. Primeiras obras / Early Works 1962 – 1972, Porto: Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves 2014 (exhibition catalogue with essays by Catherine David, Rasha Salti, foreword by Suzanne Cotter)
Marwan. Topographies of the Soul, Sharjah: Barjeel Foundation 2014 (exhibition catalogue with essays by Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi, Ismail Al Rifa’i, Charlotte Bank)
Marwan, Berlin: Galerie Michael Haas 2018 (exhibition catalogue with an essay by Charlotte Bank)
Munif, Abd al-Rahman: Rihlat al-hayat wa al-fann: Dimashq - Berlin, Damascus: Maktabat al-Assad 1998
Munif, Abdulrahman and Marwan: Fi-adab al-sadaqa, Beirut: Darat al-tanwir and Mu’assasat al-arabiyya li-l-darasat wa al-nashr 2012 (correspondence between Abdulrahman Munif and Marwan, foreword by Fawwaz Traboulsi)
Further reading
Kassab-Bachi, Marwan: lam naktub kitab bustan Dimasq, Bidayat Magazine no. 10, Winter 2015
Saouli, Salah: Nachruf Marwan Qassab Bashi: Brücke zwischen den Kulturen, inamo, Heft Nr. 88, Jahrgang 22, Winter 2016, p. 63